NoCo Townhomes elevates Library Park in Fort Collins
How do you reconcile open-plan and daylighting design with Colorado’s strict accessibility laws? Thanks to a suggestion from a presale buyer, the Townhomes at Library Park found a cost-effective answer with Vuelift®.
With a traditional home elevator, the shaftway created a visual obstruction. A custom glass elevator was cost prohibitive. The architect found wrapping the stairs around the ADA-compliant Vuelift Octagonal+ Glass elevator allowed daylight in and opened up the space.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for residential elevators include interior cab dimensions of 36" x 48". See Private Residence Elevators [§409] of the ADA Standards for more information.
Developer NoCo Townhomes Inc. and architectural firm Kephart wanted to capitalize on natural light and create a feeling of spaciousness.
The four-level floorplans at Library Park offer a mix of classic and contemporary amenities, all while meeting state law on accessibility for multi-unit developments.
Demand drives a new standard
The Vuelift® became a stand-out feature in the model showhome at Library Park.
Prospective buyers enjoyed a panoramic ride from the ground floor to the top level, giving them a sweeping view of the entire home. And once they experienced it, there was no turning back, all thanks to the spectacular aesthetic statement, the convenience-factor of skipping the stairs, and the idea of futureproofing for mobility in the years to come.